NYC Street Shibari

Acclaim and Press

Bringing shibari to the streets with the incredible, iconic backdrops of New York, NYC Street Shibari is a multi-published and critically acclaimed collaboration between NYC Shibari artists Samjay, Zero-Gi, and photographer DirtyArchangel.
Sweeping up awards in rope photography, modeling, and rigging in 2020’s tenth anniversary Jade Rope photo competition
With sponsorships from Thistle & Spire and Jade Rope
Featured in ArtPlay Magazine and a full feature special edition of Fet-Erotica Magazine
Profiled with full interview and photo spread in Scene 360
Rope Podcast interview of Samjay and Zero-Gi in a two episode feature

Samjay and Zero-Gi representing the team in a two part interview on RopePodcast

Full Feature Magazine
NYC Street Shibari special edition by Fet-Erotica

NYC Street Shibari full feature + interview by
Scene 360

NYC Street Shibari Highlights

all rights reserved by NYC Street Shibari Team Zero-Gi Samjay & Dirty Archangel


Installation Art